





CSN Solutions Co., Ltd.

CSN Solutions Co., Ltd. is a distributor of electrical and electronic measuring instruments and a provider of procurement services for a variety of technological products in areas such as security, science, and others. Additionally, we offer design and construction services for laboratories.

Product Brands

Product Selection Recommendations

Resolve Issues with Experienced Engineering Team

Our team of engineers with over 15 years of industry experience is here to assist you in selecting the right products to address your specific needs.

Product Trial Service

Enhance Confidence in Purchasing Avoid disappointment and ensure compatibility with our complimentary 3-day product trial service.

100% Product Guarantee

Every item sold is backed by our full guarantee, no warranty registration required.

Our Services


We are authorized distributors of electronic component counting devices, particularly X-ray-based, from Germany, along with electronic measuring instruments.

Repair and Calibration

We offer repair and calibration services, including maintenance, assembly, installation, and procurement services.


We facilitate the procurement of electronic measuring instruments, industrial tools for scientific and medical purposes.


We specialize in the installation of electronic component counting devices and electrical measuring instruments sourced from Germany.

Consultation and Training

We provide consultation and training services in calibration techniques and ISO 17025 quality systems.

Design Services

We offer laboratory layout design services, including software development and manufacturing processes.

Other Partners Product

We carefully select high-quality products from leading brands worldwide, offering a diverse range of electrical equipment and electronic measuring instruments. Additionally, we provide procurement, ordering, and distribution services for these products. Our offerings include electrical measuring instruments, electronic devices, technological equipment, and safety and scientific instruments of all kinds.”

Repair and Calibration Services

CSN Solutions offers a diverse range of repair and calibration services for products spanning from low-frequency (DC Low) to high-frequency (RF Microwave/Wireless). With our technical expertise and experience, we enable our clients to fully utilize the available resources and present tailored solutions for efficient equipment maintenance. Additionally, we help in reducing time and costs.

Our repair and calibration services are not limited to specific brands. In cases where our laboratory facilities cannot accommodate your needs, we have partnerships with ISO 1725 standard laboratories, both domestically and internationally, to ensure comprehensive service provision. We take care of transportation and logistics to streamline the process for our clients.

Training & Consultancy Services

Academic seminars and training workshops

laboratory quality systems and instrument calibration.

Lab Design and Setup

Consulting services and design of testing and calibration laboratories Including layout and equipment settings.

System Implementation Consultation

Consulting services Set up both document and ramp systems by a team of ISO/IEC17025 and ISO9001 experts.

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